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Website Marketing

Three Search Engine Optimization Techniques That Work

It does not matter in the least what the size of your online digital presence it, sooner or later you come to the overwhelming understanding that the best traffic for your site is the traffic that will find you through the search engines. And for that to happen, you need proven search engine optimization techniques that will work every time.


On each and every web page that you create, make sure that you are optimizing for one unique keyword that is as niche as it can be.

What does that mean? It means that if you sell ANTIQUES, your best keyword might not be “ANTIQUES.” That’s because Google and the other engines are all moving toward local search…and that means that while there is far more traffic out there typing in “antiques” you might be far better off geo-targeting and optimizing for “Boston Antiques.”

Google has come out and said that it is moving in two directions…local search and mobile. Why not play into this trend and start having all of your keywords be far more targeted to your location if that’s where 90% of your customers will come from anyway?


If you haven’t already, start a blog and contribute to it every day.

It does not matter in the least what you are selling, if you want search engine traffic, you need a blog and you need to contribute to it daily.


This is one that you must do yesterday. If you aren’t already you need to work with a company that will not just get you onto Google Places (that list of ten local businesses that appears on page 1) you need to work with a company that will get you to the top of that list.

Hard to believe, but my best SEO technique has NOTHING to do with SEO. Google Places is gold and you need to be there and on the top of that list.

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