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SEO Tips

Does Google use Facebook and Twitter links to rank a website?

It is the beginning of the New Year, and it is the right time to set the new goals. Just allow yourself a right to dream. And go for it. Never expect too much just dream of it, and it will come when you don’t expect it.You just have to keep in mind that rankings can’t be guaranteed because it is a long process to get it from Google, but we have an aim and we will go for it.

Well, does Google use Twitter and Facebook links as a ranking signal? Quite interesting question which has been answered by Matt Cuts. You should be thinking now whether it is true or not. The answer is that Google actually uses Facebook and Twitter links in ranking websites but that is not everything. In addition to that they also want to figure out about the reputation of the author on Facebook or Twitter. It is just like a background on that. It was a time when they never used Facebook’s and Twitter’s links as a ranking signal but Matt Cuts confirmed that they use it now so it is a good opportunity to get more from Twitter and Facebook.

However, can you get the ranking and increase your website’s Page Rank? The answer is simple enough. You can but it is not easy. The website should be visible on Google and Google should be able to crawl it. The website should not be forbidden to crawl for them. And if there is no problem with that your website will be ranked. Another thing is that if you have lots of followers you will get more reputation. It is just a small factor which is very useful, but it also depends on the quality of links. If you get more tweets and followers the quality will definitely increase. Remember, the quality of links is very important and not only the number of links. So it is the same on Twitter and Facebook. The quality is important and not only the number of tweets or followers. Google has started to use this ranking factor, and it is a matter of time, how long they are going to use it. Now all you have to do is read the post on the way to connect WordPress blog with Twitter and Facebook and follow all the instructions. If you want to watch a movie on that you can find it below.

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